Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

On Labor Day we drove up to Toodyay, a historic little town that had some devastating bush fires a couple of months ago.  Much of the surrounding area looked like a moonscape, totally blackened as far as you could see, except for an occasional house left untouched.  The firefighters did an amazing job, as the easterly winds were fanning the flames, and are very hot and dry just like our Santa Ana winds.  The fire did not reach the actual town however, and here are some pics of the old buildings.


Not sure how "innovative" you can get with meat, but apparently this butcher is just that.

This is the old jail, and the windows were so tiny and so far off the ground, (at least 15 feet or so) there's no way anyone could have escaped.  With these tiny windows it must have gotten incredibly hot in there though.

Here's Bill at a quaint little fruit and veggie stand, searching for Cilantro, which we've not yet been able to find here.

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