Saturday, October 24, continued...
As we were getting on the freeway, a sign said, "No livestock to be riden or driven on highway." Not something you'd typically see on a CA freeway. We saw a great sign last weekend, it was a picture of a dinosaur, and underneath it said, next 7 kilometers. After our hike we stopped at a fish and chips place and while looking at the local paper, there was a picture of the dinosour sign. The article said local police had no idea who had posted the sign, which they believed was "a stab at the local residents" and they promised to have it removed by the end of the month. (Nothing ever gets done quickly here.)
When we got to the wildlife park, Bill pulled over and said "You drive." I was NOT prepared (figured I needed to get mentally ready) but I guess my lame attempt to get out of it didn't get me too far when I asked him what would happen if I didn't have my license with me. Anyway, I felt like a brand new driver, and kept turning on the windshield wipers everytime I tried to put on the turn signal, like everybody else does. I did O.K., but kept feeling like I was going to hit the curb.
great pictures! that last pic of the kangaroo looks like his head is sitting on top of his butt! - pretty funny looking...:)