Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Our last day on the tour and we drive to Mimbi Caves, an awesome place, where we meet up with an aborigine named Robby. He talks about the dreamtime, which is the aborigine's explanation for the creation of the world, and includes stories of how the rivers, oceans, mountains, etc were formed. He spoke of their culture, and showed us lots of different tools and several plants that are used for medicines, in rites and ceremonies, etc.
Robby with boomerang |
rocks on the walk to the caves |
The cave is totally unimproved - no lighting, very rocky and hard to navigate. We have to wear hard hats and carry a torch. The cave is huge with lots of tunnels and rooms going off in all directions and there is a small lake at the end. Some bats fly overhead and scare the pee out of several women, but it is an awesome place, and not on many of the tour itineraries.
lizard rock art |
This was our last stop and we will be late getting back since the itinerary was completely changed around; so instead of getting back to Broome by 5:00pm it will be 8 or later.
While we're driving Wayne tells us about some of the obscure drinking laws still in affect in Broome. He says he recently walked into a drive through bottle shop to buy a case of beer. He was told however that he could not walk in, as it was a drive through only, so he had to have a car. He said he just took the clerk outside and pointed to his car parked down the street, and then he said it was o.k. to sell him the beer.
At another indoor bottle shop, he went in, bought something, but then noticed a sign saying that only 1 purchase per day per customer was allowed. He asked the clerk, "So you mean if I come in later I can’t buy anything else?" and the clerk confirmed that in fact, that was the law. So Wayne, said, "Does that mean there is nothing to keep me from buying a whole bunch of alcohol the first time?" and the clerk agreed that yes, in fact, he could buy as much as he wanted, so long as he bought it all at once.